UNK Art and design students have created a 9/11 tribute and art display to honor Sept. 11th victims and survivors.
The public presentation, titled “Hello, 911 Tribute and Art Display,” will remain in place through Monday, September 12th. It is located on the lawn south of the UNK Health and Sports Center, 2501 15th Ave., and is visible from 25th street (highway 30) near that building.
“Each academic year brings a new group of art and design students to UNK, they also develop a different viewpoint or understanding of 9/11 events,” said Professor of Art and Design Rick Schuessler.
“This year the art and design students decided to focus on the word ‘Unity’ using American flags, and ‘We The People,’ cutouts of themselves to represent the people – both who perished, but also survived 9/11.”
UNK students whose art is on display include:
Lauren Reichardt (Aurora)
Billy Deardoff (Bennington)
John Shae (Blair)
Justice Carson (Grand Island)
Chris Campbell (Kearney)
Sarah Styron (Lincoln)
Kyle Woods (Omaha)
Morgan Karlberg (Eaton, CO)
Abagayle Spilinek (Wichita, KS)
Hannah DeWald (Louisville, KY)
Vanessa Bivins (Dixon, IL)
The tribute installation is a headline story at UNK News.