poster for Mitch O'Connel artist lecture


Illustrator, painter, and all around trendsetter Mitch O’Connell is set to speak on his work and experiences Wednesday, October 5 at 7pm in the Fine Arts Building Recital Hall as part of The Jack Karraker Lecture Series. A spirited Q & A and Meet and Greet will follow his talk. This event, sponsored by the Department of Art and Design, is free and open to the public.

As a freelance illustrator and painter, O’Connell has had clients that include (but not limited to) Rolling Stone, Newsweek, GQ, The New York Times, Time, Playboy, Entertainment Weekly, Coke, McDonald’s, KFC, and Kellogg’s. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally (and he sports a pretty impressive taste in all things pop culture, too).

You can find out a lot more about him on his website ( and check out an impressive archive of his work while you’re there.